7 Best Web Hosting Providers With Free CDN

If you’re looking for a new hosting provider, you probably want to choose one that offers a free CDN as it will help your website have better performance and loading times. 

While you could use a third-party CDN provider with your hosting, it’s often a good idea to go for a hosting that offers its own built-in CDN. 

In this article, I’ll show you some of the best web hosting providers with free CDN so that you don’t have to worry about using any third-party CDN to improve your website’s performance. 

Let’s get started. 

1. Hostinger

First on our list is Hostinger which is a very popular hosting provider that offers a wide range of services such as shared hosting, WordPress hosting, cloud hosting, VPS hosting, and more. 

Hostinger is popular due to its simplicity and affordable pricing which makes it an attractive option for many first-time site owners as well as bloggers. 

They provide a very seamless experience to manage your site with their custom dashboard also called hPanel. This clean dashboard gives you a birds-eye view of your website and lets you manage all aspects of it easily. 

Another reason why I love and recommend Hostinger is because they use LiteSpeed Servers which are known for their performance and optimized caching solutions. Moreover, Hostinger has data centers across the world in 9 countries which contributes to the site’s performance as well. 

Hostinger offers a free CDN which is their custom solution that can result in 40% faster loading times for your website. 

If you already have a website on any other hosting, Hostinger offers a free migration service that allows you to move your website to their platforms free of cost. The process is done using their automatic migration tool that takes care of everything in under 24 hours.  

But if you’re planning to start a new website, you’ll be pleased to know that Hostinger offers free domain registration for the first year. 

When it comes to support, you can get help via live chat or email from their team which typically resolves issues in under 5 minutes. Their support is available 24/7 and their team is fluent in 10+ languages. 

Here are some of the key features of Hostinger: 

  • Free Domain 
  • Free SSL 
  • Easy To Use
  • Free CDN 
  • Free Website Migration 
  • SSD Storage
  • Daily/Weekly Backups
  • Unlimited Bandwidth 
  • Free Email
  • 1-Click WordPress Installation 
  • Malware Scanner
  • Automatic Updates
  • Global Data Centers
  • 99.9% Uptime Guarantee
  • 24/7 Support

Let’s take a look at the pricing of Hostinger: 

The pricing for their web hosting plans starts at $2.99/month where you can host 100 websites and get 100GB SSD storage. However, this plan doesn’t include the free CDN offered by Hostinger. 

To get the free CDN, you’ll have to choose any of the subsequent plans which cost $3.99/month and $9.99/month respectively. Both these plans also come with an increased performance and 200GB storage space. 

Overall, Hostinger is one of the most affordable hosting providers out there with a ton of features you’ll not find elsewhere for this cost. Whether you’re building a new website or moving your current one, Hostinger is the perfect option available. 

2. Bluehost

Bluehost is among the oldest hosting providers out there, started in 2003 and has accumulated over 2M users since then. 

They offer a variety of hosting services such as shared hosting, managed WordPress hosting, cloud hosting, VPS hosting, dedicated hosting, and more. 

Their most popular is their shared hosting which is ideal for simple websites, small blogs, or even eCommerce websites. 

With all their shared hosting plans, you get a free domain registration for the first year giving you a kick start for your new website. Bluehost automatically installs WordPress on your account so you don’t have to go through that process and instead save your time. 

Besides that, their dashboard is very user-friendly and simple to navigate through the different settings of your website. 

Bluehost offers fast performance for websites thanks to their custom caching solutions and CDN. Speaking of which, you’ll get a free CDN on any shared hosting plan you choose with Bluehost. 

They’ve partnered with Cloudflare to provide free CDN to all their hosting plans without any custom setup required by the users. 

Here are the key features of Bluehost: 

  • WordPress Preinstalled
  • Free Domain 
  • Free CDN
  • SSD Storage
  • Free SSL 
  • Website Backups
  • Malware Scanner
  • Automatic Updates
  • 24/7 Support

Let’s take a look at the pricing plans of Bluehost: 

The shared hosting plans start at $2.95/month for hosting a single website with 10GB of storage space. This plan and all subsequent ones come with a free CDN included. 

While their pricing is cheap, their feature offering is quite limited when you compare it to Hostinger which offers a lot more for the same price. 

Nevertheless, Bluehost is still a very reliable hosting provider that’s been around for decades, and if you’re someone who prefers that, you can go for it with your eyes closed and you’ll have a good experience. 

3. Cloudways

If you’re running a website where performance and uptime are of crucial importance, then you can consider a cloud hosting provider like Cloudways. 

Cloudways is different from Bluehost and Hostinger in the sense that your website isn’t on a shared server. This means you get better performance but at a relatively high cost. 

While many cloud hosting providers are expensive and difficult to use, Cloudways brings a totally different experience where setting up and managing your website is very simple. 

You get 1-click WordPress installs with automatic updates and backups. They also offer a free migration service where their team of experts moves your website to their platform free of charge in under 24 hours. 

With Cloudways, you can choose the cloud server on which you want to host your website. They provide a plethora of options such as DigitalOcean, Vultr, Google Cloud, Linode, and AWS. 

In terms of performance, you get extremely fast speeds with a built-in advanced caching system and a free CDN. They also have over 65 global data centers which is very impressive. All of this combined gives you a 99.9% uptime guarantee so you can rest assured that your site is up and running all the time. 

Cloudways also doesn’t shy away from keeping your site secured with 24/7 real-time monitoring and dedicated firewalls. 

Here are the key features of Cloudways: 

  • 1-Click WordPress Install
  • Free CDN
  • Free Website Migration
  • 65+ Global Data Centers
  • 99.9% Uptime Guarantee
  • Free SSL 
  • Seamless Vertical Scaling
  • Automated Backups
  • Dedicated Firewalls
  • 24/7 Real-Time Monitoring
  • 24/7/365 Support

Since you can choose from multiple cloud services in Cloudways, the pricing depends on the cloud server you choose. 

Here’s the pricing of Cloudways with DigitalOcean as the cloud server: 

The pricing starts at $11/month for a server with 1GB RAM, 1 core processor, 25GB storage, and 1TB of bandwidth. 

You can scale your server up or down depending on your needs or even turn on auto-scaling which lets Cloudways automatically handle the scaling based on traffic needs. 

While the pricing of Cloudways may seem a bit steep compared to Hostinger and Bluehost, it’s important to note that this is a cloud hosting service and you get full control of the server where your website is hosted. 

4. SiteGround

SiteGround is another popular hosting provider that offers shared hosting, WordPress hosting, cloud hosting, reseller hosting, and more. 

SiteGround uses Google’s Cloud platform with SSD-based storage and a free CDN which delivers ultra-fast performance. Apart from this, SiteGround also offers its custom Site Optimizer plugin which helps you optimize your website even further thereby improving performance. 

They also offer managed WordPress in all their plans which means automatic WordPress installation for your website along with automated updates. 

Moreover, they also offer a site migrator plugin to help you quickly migrate your website from your current host to SiteGround. 

Managing your website on SiteGround is very simple with their user-friendly client area where you can access various settings of your website and hosting account. 

Here are the key features of SiteGround: 

  • Free Domain 
  • Free CDN 
  • 1-Click WordPress Install 
  • Automated Updates
  • Free SSL 
  • Site Migrator Plugin 
  • Daily Backups
  • Managed WordPress
  • Unlimited Bandwidth 
  • Custom WAF
  • Free Email 

Let’s take a look at the pricing plans of SiteGround’s web hosting: 

The pricing starts at $2.99/month where you can host a single website with 10GB of SSD space and a traffic limit of 10,000 monthly visitors. All their plans come with a free CDN included. 

Overall, SiteGround is a very affordable and reliable option that you can choose if speed is a priority for you. The performance of websites running on SiteGround is very impressive and their affordable pricing makes it a very good option for small and medium-sized websites. 

5. DreamHost

Next up on our list is DreamHost which offers shared hosting, managed WordPress hosting, VPS hosting, cloud hosting, dedicated servers, and more. 

Getting started with DreamHost is very easy as they offer a 1-click WordPress installation to help you get your website up and running instantly. You also get free automated website migration to help you move to their platform from your current host. 

However, if you’re planning to start a new website, you get a free domain registration for the first year with free email and privacy protection. 

When it comes to performance, DreamHost boasts a 100% uptime guarantee which is quite impressive and true to a larger extent. That’s because of their optimized server stack and built-in caching which dramatically improves loading times. 

What I love the most about DreamHost is that they offer unlimited website storage on one of their plans. This can be very useful if you’re running an image-heavy website where a lot of storage space is required. 

DreamHost also offers 24/7 support via tickets and live chat. They also offer support through phone and have a priority support option as well. 

Here are the key features of DreamHost: 

  • Free Domain Registration
  • 1-Click WordPress Install
  • Free Website Migration
  • Free SSL 
  • 100% Uptime Guarantee
  • SSD Storage 
  • Built-in Caching
  • Automated Updates
  • On-Demand Backups & Restore
  • 24/7 Support

Let’s take a look at the pricing plans of DreamHost: 

The pricing starts at $2.95/month for a single website with 50GB of storage space and unlimited bandwidth. All plans of DreamHost come with a free CDN included. Unlimited storage is available only on their Shared Unlimited plan. 

If you want unlimited storage for your website, then DreamHost is one of the best options you can go for. 

6. Kinsta


Kinsta is a managed WordPress hosting provider that is trusted by some very big companies such as NASA, Unicef, TripAdvisor, and more. 

That’s because they focus only on managed WordPress hosting and provide remarkable performance for both small and big websites. 

Kinsta uses Google Cloud’s fastest servers with over 37 data center locations. They also have a built-in free CDN with 260+ locations allowing you to deliver the best performance to your site users. On top of this, Kinsta has its custom Edge Caching system which can further reduce loading times by 49%. 

Besides performance, Kinsta also offers a very smooth and seamless experience in managing your website. 

For starters, they offer a free migration service allowing you to move your website to Kinsta without any headaches. 

Apart from that, their user dashboard is probably one of the best experiences out there for managing a website. 

Kinsta also goes above and beyond in terms of security by providing fully managed WAF and DDoS protection. They also offer free malware removal and security vulnerability alerts to address any concerns before they cause harm to your website. 

Here are the key features of Kinsta: 

  • Free Website Migration
  • 37+ Data Centers
  • Edge Caching
  • Free CDN 
  • Automated Updates
  • DDoS Protection
  • Automated Backups & Restore
  • Free SSL 
  • Uptime Monitoring
  • 24/7 Support

Let’s take a look at the pricing of Kinsta: 

Kinsta - Pricing

The pricing starts at $30/month for WordPress sites where you get 10GB SSD storage and a traffic limit of 25,000 monthly visitors. 

While this pricing is expensive compared to the other options mentioned on this list, it’s because Kinsta offers enterprise-level features suited ideally for big websites and brands. If speed and security are of utmost importance to you, then Kinsta is a very good option for you. 

7. InMotion Hosting

The last one on our list is InMotion Hosting which offers a variety of hosting services including shared hosting, WordPress hosting, reseller hosting, VPS hosting, dedicated servers, and more. 

InMotion Hosting offers 1-click WordPress installs to help you get started quickly without any hassles. They use the popular cPanel which is very popular for managing different aspects of your website. 

They have multiple data centers across the world allowing you to choose the one that best fits your needs. Moreover, their custom UltraStack is optimized to deliver fast performance and reduce loading times by a huge margin. 

I also like the fact that you get unlimited bandwidth so that there’s no monthly traffic limit you have to look out for. 

Here are the key features of InMotion Hosting: 

  • Free Domain Registration
  • Free SSL 
  • Free CDN 
  • 1-Click WordPress Install 
  • Free Website Migration
  • Advanced Caching
  • Unlimited Bandwidth 
  • SSD Storage 
  • Multiple Data Centers
  • Malware Scanner
  • DDoS Protection
  • 24/7/365 Customer Support

Here are the pricing plans for InMotion Hosting’s shared hosting: 

The pricing starts at $2.99/month for hosting 2 websites with 100GB SSD storage. With subsequent plans, you get unlimited storage as well as host unlimited websites.

InMotion Hosting is another good option you can choose if you want to host multiple websites in a single account. 


So, that’s our list of the best web hosting providers with free CDN included so that you can enjoy fast performance. 

If you have any questions about the hosting providers mentioned on this list, feel free to ask them in the comments section below. 

I’d be happy to help you out with any questions or doubts you might have regarding the options on this list.

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