WordPress Post Vs Page: What Are The Main Differences?

If you are new to WordPress, then you might get confused about whether to create content using pages or posts. While both can be used to create a website, but they come with the distinction that makes them suitable for different types of content. 

If you don’t know which one to use, then this post is just for you. Here you will be able to know details and differences between wordpress posts and pages. 

What is WordPress Post?

A WordPress post is a type of content that makes up the blog aspect of your website. A WordPress post can contain text, headings, images, videos, and other types of media. These posts are shown in reverse chronological order on your website’s news or blog section. 

In a WordPress post, you will be able to add titles and use different formatting options to structure your content. You will also be able to use tags and categories to organize your posts and make it easier for your visitors to find what they have been looking for. 

You will be able to create and edit WordPress posts by the default editor of WOrdPress, which comes with a user-friendly environment for adding and formatting content. You will also be able to schedule your post to publish at a later time or date. 

Overall, WordPress posts are like the news portion of your website. They are dynamic and continuously changing. A post may not remain the same after a certain time. 

What is WordPress Page?

Pages are a type of content that is similar to posts but different. While posts are updated frequently, pages are used for static content that is not altered very frequently. They don’t come with dates on them. 

A post may come with different names, but most of the pages come with names like home, contact, team, about, products, services, etc. Unlike posts, you won’t be able to list by dates or won’t be able to tag or categorize pages. However, you may have a hierarchy on the page. You can nest pages under other pages, making one parent and other child. 

What Are The Main Differences?

Most of the content you see on a wordpress website is in the form of posts. That’s why you will notice ‘posts’ as the first option of the menu on your dashboard. 

  1. Pages are Static, while Posts are Dynamic or time-based. Posts are created based on specific topics and may be updated from time to time. Your provided information may not remain valid after a certain period of time. Pages are pretty static and require very little moderation. 
  2. Posts are meant to be shared on social platforms, not pages. Sharing posts helps you to engage more with people, thus improving your traffic and sales. You can’t share a page on any platform except link sharing. 
  3. Pages are hierarchical and may be organized as parent and child pages, while posts are organized using tags and categories. 
  4. Comments are enabled on posts, while pages are not. However, if you need, you may turn off the comments option for your posts. 
  5. Posts come with the author and publish date, while pages don’t. 

Final Words

I hope now you clearly understand WordPress posts and pages. If you have any further queries, feel free to ask. I will be happy to answer your queries. If you like the post, then please share it with your friends and leave your thoughts in the comment box below. 

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