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Updated from a old version

Posts: 1
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Joined: 3 weeks ago

I am working on a maintenance project which is using a very old version of Ultimate Blocks (Version 2.4.11). I tried updating to the latest version, but the pages that uses the blocks are freezing. I am not able to edit or view the pages. Though I found some react like errors, I couldn’t spot a proper message to understand the problem. How can I approach this issue? 

1 Reply
Posts: 127
Joined: 6 years ago


That is indeed a very old version, we had 32 releases since 2.4.11.

So much has changed since then, it’s really hard to say. Can you please share what blocks are being used on these pages?

Also, please share the screenshots of any errors you have. We might be able to work something out of those error messages, but no promises.

Kind regards.


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