How to Delete a WordPress Theme (3 Easy Ways)

delete a wordpress theme

Have you recently switched your WordPress theme and now want to delete your old theme? Or you may have a few pre-installed themes on your WordPress website that you want to delete. If you don’t know how to delete a WordPress theme, then stick to this post. 

In this post, I am going to show you how to delete a WordPress theme. Before you delete a theme, make sure you have taken the backup. If anything goes wrong or if you want to restore your theme, you will be able to do it from the backup file. However, if you are using a child theme, never delete the parent theme. It will make things messed up.

You have 3 ways to delete a WordPress theme. We will start with the easiest procedure.

Deleting Theme Using The WordPress Dashboard

This is the recommended and easiest way to delete WordPress theme from your WordPress website. 

First, Make sure you have deactivated the theme. Then navigate to Appearance -> Themes.

Now click on the theme that you want to delete. A popup will appear. Simply click on the ‘Delete’ button and click on ‘OK’ to confirm.

That’s it. You’re done.

Deleting Theme Using File Manager

If you don’t’ feel to use an FTP client, then you can use the file manager app from your web hosting control panel.

For this process, I will be showing screenshots from the cPanel dashboard. Depending on your hosting provider, your hosting dashboard may look different. 

First login to your hosting account dashboard and find ‘File manager’.

Click on File Manager, then navigate to /public_html/wp-content/themes folder. 

Now right-click on the theme and delete it. That’s all. 

Deleting Theme Using FTP

This is not a regular way. If you are unable to access your WordPress website, then you can use this option to delete your theme. 

First, connect your WordPress site using an FTP client. Then, navigate to the wp-content/themes file.

Now select the theme folder that you want to delete. Right-click on it and click on the delete button. 

Your theme will be deleted instantly.

Last Words

I am repeating once again, before trying to attempt to delete your theme, it is wise to take back up first. Because if anything goes wrong, you will be able to restore the theme from the backup. But if you didn’t make any backup copy, you can restore the theme by installing it again. 

I hope this post helped you to learn how to delete themes in WordPress very easily. Share your thoughts in the comment section below.  

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