How to Resize Blocks in WordPress (Height & Width)

Resize Blocks in WordPress

In the world of WordPress website creation, block resizing is a fundamental tool for crafting a visually captivating and well-structured online presence. By resizing the blocks, you will be able to empower yourself to control the layout of your content, ensuring seamless navigation across various types of devices. 

Worry not if you don’t know how to resize your blocks. I am here, to guide you. In this post, I will show you several methods to resize your blocks. 

Let’s begin. 

Why to change Block height and width?

Method 1: Resize Blocks Using Blocks Settings

By using the block settings you can resize the block by using alignment option from the toolbar above the block or in some blocks, you can resize them directly using height & width. 

Resize Using Alignment: For example, we are inserting an image block. Now click on the toolbar above and click on the alignment option. 

From here, if you choose Wide Width, then the maximum (1200px) width will be applied to the image block.

 The full-width option will change the block size to the screen size. 

Resizing using the alignment is quicker but may not provide you with the size you are looking for. 

Resize Using Width & Height: If you are using an image block only, then you will be able to resize the image block using width & height. In this case knowing the specific value of height and width makes it easier to resize the block. For other blocks, you may not get to resize using height & width.

All you have to do is open the block settings and then resize the image with a specific value. 

Resize Using Aspect Ratio: You can also resize the image block using an aspect ratio. It will resize the block as you choose to select the aspect ratio. 

There are several aspect ratios available. You can choose between original, square(1:1), standard(4:3), classic(3:2), classic portrait(2:3), wide(16:9) and tall(9:16). 

Method 2: Resize Blocks Using Columns

In this method, you will be able to insert multiple blocks at the same place and resize them. To do that, insert a column block first. 

Now, choose the block variation. These show the proportions of blocks.

Then, add blocks it will size the blocks according to the proportion you choose. 

If you wish to customize the column size then, click on any column and hit block settings.

Form there, you will be able to adjust the justification and width of the block.

Method 3: Resize Blocks Using Group Blocks

If you wish you can also adjust layout justification and orientation of couple blocks together. To do this, you have to use group blocks.

First, add a couple of blocks as you like. Then, select all the blocks using the cursor.

Now click on the ‘Group’ from the toolbar.

Hit the block settings and from there, you will be able to adjust layout justification, content and wideness.

When you are done, don’t forget to hit the update or publish button.

Tips for Effective Block Resizing:

  • Try to Maintain Proportions: When resizing image blocks, be careful to maintain image aspect ratios to avoid distortion.
  • Consider Responsiveness: Make sure your resized blocks look good on all screen sizes, including mobile devices.
  • Test and Preview: Whenever you resize a block, test it and preview your adjustment to make sure that it achieves the desired visual impact.

Last Words

I hope you have got the process to resize blocks in WordPress. If you have any questions, feel free to share them in the comment box below. If you liked the post, then please share it with your friends.


2024-06-02 (Uzzal Raz Bongshi)

  • Added ‘Method 3: Resize Blocks Using Group Blocks’ section.
  • Added ‘Tips for Effective Block Resizing’ section
  • Improved all methods.
  • Updated Images.

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