How to Add Internal Links in WordPress (Manual & Auto)

Think internal linking is just for tech-savvy experts? Think again! Internal links play a crucial role in enhancing your website’s structure and user experience. If you’re a newcomer to WordPress, you might feel daunted by the task of adding internal links to your site.

But fear not! In this post, Discover how linking your content improves navigation, keeps users engaged, and helps search engines understand your website. Get ready to watch your website’s traffic and ranking soar!

By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have the knowledge and confidence to connect different parts of your content seamlessly. So, let’s dive right in and discover the secrets of mastering internal links in WordPress!

What are Internal Links in WordPress?

To add internal links in WordPress manually,

Step #1: Highlight the Text Portion

First, open the existing post/page or create a new one where you want to add internal links. Now highlight the text in which you want to add an internal link.

Then click on the ‘Link’ icon from the toolbar. Alternatively, you can press ‘ctrl + k’ or ‘Command + k’ to add internal links. Now a box will appear where you will be able to place your internal link. 

In the box, you can place any internal link directly or search for the page/post of your website. Click on your desired post/page, and the link will automatically be placed.

If you want, you can make the link open in a new tab by toggling on the ‘Open in new tab’ option.

Manual internal linking works when you have a fewer number of posts. But when you have hundreds of posts, you need to go with the automatic approach.

There are a handful number of WordPress internal linking plugins that lets you add internal links automatically. We use and recommend Link Whisper. It makes automatic interlinking extremely easy. It has both free and pro versions.

Let’s get started with the free version.

First, go to your WordPress Dashboard and navigate to Plugins > Add New. Then search for ‘Link Whisper’ and install & activate the plugin.

Now go to the post/page where you want to add internal links. Then scroll to the bottom, and you’ll find all the suggested links there.

Then if a link seems suitable, click on the ‘Copy Link’ and scroll to the text and then add the link there.

You can do the same for other suggested links.

You can check the internal links report by navigating to WordPress Dashboard > Link Whisper > Report. Then click on the ‘Run Link Scan’ button.


So this is how you can add internal links to your WordPress posts and pages.

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