Block Editor Vs Classic Editor: What Are The Differences?

WordPress is the most popular platform for creating your own website. This platform has been around for years and has gone through many changes. 

But these changes weren’t as big as the change that happened to the platform in recent years. WordPress unveiled its brand new Block Editor (also called Gutenberg). And this new editor is the direction WordPress is heading now. 

Gutenberg is a block editor similar to what page builders are. Whereas the old WordPress classic editor is very simple. (Read: Gutenberg Vs Page Builders)

Ever since Gutenberg was released, WordPress users have mixed feelings about it. Some are loving it while others not. So, I think it’s about time that we settle the debate. 

In this article, we’ll go in-depth about both the WordPress editors and find out which one is better. By the end of this comparison, you’ll have a clear answer to what to choose: Gutenberg or the Classic editor. 

Let’s get started. 

What is the Block Editor (Gutenberg)?

The WordPress 5.0 update codenamed as ‘Bebo’ came out in December 2018 and released the new Gutenberg editor. 

This new editor is also called Block Editor. The reason is that the new editor is a drag-and-drop editor where you can add blocks to your content. 

This monumental change was made by WordPress to give users more flexibility towards the design and content of their pages. 

Gutenberg comes with over 15 blocks by default that covers almost everything required to create awesome pages. 

Creating blocks in Gutenberg is very simple and allows users to create rich content without getting their hand’s dirty writing code. 

What is the Classic Editor?

The Classic editor by WordPress is the old editor that was the default WordPress editor prior to Gutenberg. 

This editor is a simple text editor similar to Microsoft Word or any other word processing software. 

The classic editor has been the default WordPress for years now. But since Gutenberg has become the default editor now, you’ll have to use the classic editor plugin to use the old editor. 

The plugin is free and restores the classic editor in WordPress. But, WordPress announced that they’ll be discontinuing updates and support for the classic editor by 2021. 

Block Editor vs Classic Editor

Let’s address the elephant in the room: 

Should you choose the block editor or the Classic Editor? 

To reach a conclusion, we first need to understand both the editors and how similar or different they are from each other. 

And this comparison begins by examining the interface of both the editors. 

Editor Interface 

Let’s first take a look at the editor interface of Gutenberg. 

Block Editor Interface

This is what the block editor looks like: 

As you can see from the image above, the editor is very different from the Classic Editor that WordPress had for several years. 

The block editor has a more modern interface compared to its counterpart. In this editor, you can add the title and start writing your content right away! 

There is a button to add blocks to your content (the plus (+) icon). Clicking on this button will open a drop-down menu where you can see all the Gutenberg blocks. The blocks added by third-party add-on plugins are also visible under this block menu. 

Alternatively, you can add blocks more quickly to your content by adding a slash (/) followed by the name of the block. Gutenberg automatically detects the block based on the words so you don’t even have to type the entire name of the block. 

Editing blocks is a piece of cake as well. To edit any block, all you have to do is to click on the block and the block settings will appear on the right sidebar. Different blocks have different customization and styling options. 

Apart from the editor interface, you can find the document settings in the right sidebar.

The post/page status, permalink, categories, featured image, and other settings are under the Document tab. 

So that was all about Gutenberg’s editor interface. 

Let’s take a look at the Classic Editor’s interface. 

Classic Editor Interface

This is what the Classic Editor looks like: 

I’m sure you’re familiar with this interface if you’ve ever used WordPress before. 

This is a simple text editor with formatting options at the top of the editor. Unlike Gutenberg where blocks can help you add special design elements to your content, the Classic Editor only features formatting options that are very basic. 

And since the content in the editor is not in the form of blocks, there isn’t much you can do to individual content elements. 

The document settings are also placed at the right sidebar in the Classic Editor. But the permalink setting is right below the post/page title. 

In conclusion, the interface of Gutenberg is structured very similarly to the Classic Editor but the way you interact with it is different.

Also, not to mention the blocks in Gutenberg which are completely different and new. 


A lot of WordPress users debate about the performance of the new block editor and the classic editor. 

When WordPress was initially rolling out Gutenberg, many people had concerns that the visual editor will cause lag and affect the workflow or creating content. 

But Gutenberg has been released for a while now and it works buttery smooth and with no performance issues. 

I’ve never experienced any lag when using the block editor. Even with a lot of tabs open on my browser, the editor works perfectly and never crashed the page. 

Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about the Classic Editor. 

I’ve been using WordPress for years now and many times I’ve come across a slight freeze or lag when working on huge posts and guides in the classic editor. 

So, it’s safe to say that WordPress upped their performance game with the new Gutenberg editor. 

Ease Of Use 

Usability is another important factor that comes into play when you’re comparing Gutenberg and the Classic Editor. 

Here’s what I think about the usability of both the WordPress editors. 

Block Editor’s Ease of Use 

Gutenberg came around a time when many WordPress users were already switching to page builders.

Even outside WordPress, many website builders and platforms had a visual drag-and-drop builder interface. 

So, the concept of the blocks and a drag-and-drop editor was not foreign for anyone who runs an online business. 

This means that users can easily learn and get acquainted with the idea of the block editor. 

And WordPress has made Gutenberg very simple so that everyone can use it without facing any problems. 

Adding blocks and editing them is child’s play. You can easily find blocks, move them, delete them, or do whatever you want without any hassles. 

If you’ve used the Classic Editor for years, you’d need some time to get adjusted to the new editor. But I can assure you that this happens very swiftly. 

Classic Editor’s Ease of Use

Though the Classic Editor has been replaced with a newer and better solution, this doesn’t negate the fact that the Classic Editor is also very easy to use. 

With a limited number of options, you can get around the editor very quickly to do what you want.

The simple layout of the editor makes it very easy to write content or add visual elements such as images, galleries, or videos.

In the end, I’d give this one to Gutenberg as it is more simple than the Classic Editor. 

The reason behind this is that Gutenberg is easy to use when it comes to adding multimedia or other elements such as buttons to your content. 

However, with the Classic Editor, you’d first have to rely on third-party plugins to add such elements. And to edit them is another pain itself. 

Which One Should You Use?

After using both the editors, I can confidently say that you should use Block as its simpler, easy to use, and most importantly fast. 

Gutenberg checks all the boxes for a perfect editor for me and so will it for you once you start using it. 

The best part about all this is that Gutenberg has now become the default WordPress editor and developers have already started making add-on plugins that add new blocks to the editor. 

Gutenberg primarily excels at media-rich content which is very common these days. 

But if your goal is to add only text-based content, then the Classic Editor works fine for you. Also, you can use the Classic Editor inside Gutenberg itself. Our guide to Gutenberg explains it all very well. 

If you have any questions regarding Gutenberg, feel free to ask them in the comment section below. I’d be happy to help you out. 

22 responses to “Block Editor Vs Classic Editor: What Are The Differences?”

  1. Daniel Avatar

    First of all the depends on the usage. I have a lot of websites with many custom fields and the Block Editor is not so easy to customise as it was with the old one. I don’t have the same flexibility no arrange the elements after my needs. Also from the UI point of view the new interface is total crap. I am always looking to see if the css is loaded page looks like a programming error not something a designer intended to do. I see it as a major UX step back. Is one of the reasons that will make me to move away from wordpress.

  2. Japp Koning Avatar
    Japp Koning

    We have been experimenting with different editors for our own product management platform. Based on the feedback we are getting from the users, it seems that block editor is the way to go. Sure it take a little time to get used to it, but once you get a hang of it, your productivity goes through the roof.

    1. Istiak Rayhan Avatar
      Istiak Rayhan

      Yes, Block Editor makes you more productive.

      Check these Block Editor Tips & Tricks to be more productive.

  3. Shahzad Avatar

    I feel classic editor is easy for handling post contains more text.

  4. Jim Andris Avatar
    Jim Andris

    I have used classic editor for years, just started using block editor. Having a hard time getting the read more tag to work in the Gutenberg. I have put it in correctly, I think, but it is not showing in viewing.

  5. Paschal Avatar

    Anyway I can decide on which editor to use on each of my post?

    PS: My old posts only works with classic editor though.

    1. Istiak Rayhan Avatar
      Istiak Rayhan

      No, you need to use either Block editor or the Classic editor.

      However, you can use the ‘Classic Editor’ block inside the Block Editor.

  6. SaranSaro Avatar

    Istiak Rayhan,

    I was looking for a detail article about block editor vs classic editor. It’s true I tried a few time to change from Classic to Block editor. However, I felt some difficulties to find the tools. That’s why I revert it to classic editor.

    But after reading this article, I would like to give a try again.


  7. Prosenjit Sarkar Avatar
    Prosenjit Sarkar

    I am accustomed to using WordPress Classic editor. But after reading your article I want to go to the block editor. But to me, the block editor seems complicated. How can I get rid of it?

    1. Istiak Rayhan Avatar
      Istiak Rayhan

      You need to install the ‘Classic Editor’ plugin.

      1. Prosenjit Sarkar Avatar
        Prosenjit Sarkar

        Thanks! I will deep try to use Block Editor.

  8. sanjeev kumar Avatar
    sanjeev kumar

    But when it comes to writing table posts, block editor does not work properly

    1. Istiak Rayhan Avatar
      Istiak Rayhan

      Are you talking about creating tables using the Block Editor?

  9. Emmanuel Avatar

    I really wanted to use Block but I’ve tried it once and never found it easier at all but my new theme doesn’t support classic at all… I’m stuck

    1. Istiak Rayhan Avatar
      Istiak Rayhan

      It seems a bit hard initially. But over the time, you’ll find it more easier than the classic editor.

  10. Peter Avatar

    Gutenberg is not easy to use. It is not intuitive.
    It is hard to find commands,
    it is hard to select items,
    selected items don’t stay selected
    scrolling sucks.
    I could go on

    Obviously it is learnable. Just don’t say it is easy
    not true

  11. Urs Avatar

    I’m still with the classic editor… Having ca. 1000 posts and pages, mostly TEXT without any page builder. Is there any reason to change to Gutenberg? And HOW would I do this without touching every entry?

    1. Istiak Rayhan Avatar
      Istiak Rayhan

      You don’t have to do anything to your existing posts. They will remain as before.

      But it you want to edit a post in the Block Editor, you will need to convert the existing post to blocks. And it’s very easy. Check this tutorial.

      Hope it helps. Let me know if you have any questions regarding this.


    I have some difficulty to work with the ‘Block Editor.’ I find difficult to find fonts sizes, upload media, bold font, insert videos and links. In the Classic Editor all this elements where up front. Now they seem to be buried under many layers. There are items like font color or font background that I can not find. In addition the concept of blocks is hard to comprehend. I don’t understand how the block editor can be superior since some functionality does not exist in the platform. Examples: videos and power point like presentations, slides, sound. If the platform does not support this and we have to resort to YouTube links for instance how could Block be better?

    1. Istiak Rayhan Avatar
      Istiak Rayhan

      I had the same feeling when I started using the block editor. But eventually, I figured it out and will never get back to the Classic editor. So give it some times and you’ll love it.

  13. Michael Avatar

    Thanks for helping me out. I am just thinking to install a classic editor plugin but now after reading your post I am going to continue with the block editor.

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