How to Create Gradient Buttons in WordPress (No Plugin Needed)

How to Create Gradient Buttons in WordPress (No Plugin Needed)

Adding Buttons is easy in WordPress using the Gutenberg Block Editor. Since WordPress adds more features to its core, creating a Gradient Button using the Gutenberg Block Editor is also possible; no plugin is needed.

Today, we will show you how to create gradient buttons in WordPress in a few steps. But before that, let’s learn about Gradient Buttons and their advantages.

What is a Gradient Button?

What are the Benefits of Using Gradient Button in WordPress?

Can You Create Gradient Buttons Without Any Plugin?

How to Create Gradient Buttons in WordPress

To create Gradient buttons in WordPress without the assistance of any plugin, follow these easy steps.

Step 1: Create A Normal Button

Open your post or page where you want to add a gradient button. Press the “Add Block” button type Button in the search box and select the button block.

Write what you want inside the button.

Step 2: Create Gradient Button

Go to Settings in the top right corner. Select Block > Styles > Background. (N.B. You can create gradient color for both styles: Fill and Outline)

Select the gradient option and choose your color.

You must adjust the sliders to choose your colors for the gradient button. The default colors are applied to the button when adjusting the sliders.

Step 3: Customizing and Finalizing Your Gradient Button

You can choose the default colors from the themes below.

You can also adjust the colors for both sliders with a single click.

Below is the final look of our gradient button. (N.B. After adding the gradient button, you must publish or save your post to display it.)

Final Thoughts

I hope you’ve finally learned how to create gradient buttons in WordPress without help or installing any third-party plugin.

Let us know your thoughts about the tutorial we provided above. In the “Read Also” section, you can also find more about buttons below.

Read Also

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