Testimonial Block

Reviews and testimonials are valuable features on any website. They help in building trust and credibility with potential customers and influence them in decision-making. With the Testimonial Block, you can highlight the positive feedback you received and how customers have validated your products.

In this guide, we’ll explain to you how to use the Testimonial Block.

Adding the Testimonial Block #

  • Open your desired post/page from the WordPress dashboard.
  • Press the Plus (+) sign on a suitable position.
  • Type Testimonial in the search box.
  • Hit the Testimonial block right after it appears below.
Add Testimonial Block

General Settings #

  • There are three parts to the Testimonial block.
  • Click the Upload Image button to add an identifiable image of the reviewer.
  • Type the Testimony you received from the reviewer.
  • Add the Reviewer’s Name and Detail in the last part.
Add Testimony and Reviewer's Detail

Note: We recommend you avoid showcasing any fictitious testimonials. Add only those that you have received genuinely. Linking up the block to the source from where you received this testimony is the best way to prove your integrity.

  • Select an anchor text.
  • Click the Link icon on the Gutenberg Editor.
  • It will give you the option to paste the source URL.
  • This way, you can link up the block to the source.
Add Link to the Testimonial Block

Style #

  • Go to the General section on the right sidebar.
  • You’ll get options to change the Background Color, Font Color, and Font Size.
  • Explore and use these options to stylize the block as per your preferences.
Stylize the Testimonial Block

Conclusion #

Testimonials are the virtual ambassadors that create the initial impression on visitors’ minds when they land on a website. They can talk with visitors and establish a sense of credibility with your products and services.

With the intuitive settings and customization options, you can easily configure the Testimonial block, match it with your web design and encourage potential leads to complete any action.

What are your feelings
Updated on May 27, 2023