Having content filters on your blog posts can make your readers’ life easier. Content Filters will help them to filter out contents and take right decision quickly.
If you’re not familiar with Content Filter, check this post by Backlinko. Brian used content filters to help visitors to get the right tools easily.
Here I’ll show you how to add ‘Content Filters’ to your WordPress posts. You need to have Ultimate Blocks plugin installed to add content filters. Ultimate Blocks is the only plugin that offer free content filter block.
Now let’s see how to add content filter.
How To Add Content Filter Using Ultimate Blocks #
Once you’ve installed and activated the Ultimate Blocks plugin, go to the WordPress post where you want to add the content filter.
Then click on the ‘+’ sign on the block editor and search for ‘Content Filter’. And add it on your blog post.
Then click on ‘Add New Category’.
Then you need to give a category name and add filters.
For example, I’m giving the category name as “I Want Blogging Tools That Help With” and adding some filters (Writing, Proofreading, Proofreading, SEO, Social Media, Productivity).
And I’m checking the box ‘Allow multiple selections’ as I want readers to select multiple filters.
Now if you want to add a new category, simply click on the ‘Add New Category’.
Then give a name to the category and add filters.
You can add more categories by clicking on “Add New Category”.
Now let’s see how to add contents. At first, click on the ‘Add new content’ button.
A content box will be opened. Here I’ll be adding the first tool and add filter(s) for the content.
You can add more contents by clicking on ‘Add new content’.
Hope this tutorial helped you to add content filter to your WordPress post/page.
If you have any questions regarding this, please feel free to ask us via comment.